About Osteosarcoma

Owners Experiences

Osteosarcoma is a bone cancer that is very deadly amonst dogs it usually appears in large dog breeds and older dogs. If your dog does have osteosarcoma there changes of survial
are slim to none, but if you can catch it early enough you may have a chance to start Chemotherapy before it metastasizes.

Owning a dog that has osteosarcoma is really difficult, you never know when your last goodbye is. Finding out that both of my dogs had Osteosarcoma was really
heartbreaking for my family. When the time came to put are oldest dog to sleep all of our friends and family came to see him in the days before, to brighten his mood. Mohingan (the dog) knew
he was dying and tried his very best to the let us know, but we didn't want to except it until we took him to the vet and we were givin the news that his cancer had metastisized and it was
in his lungs.
Our youngest dog who also has Osteosarcoma is still with us and we hope that her Chemo treatments will work and let her life a fulll life.

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